• God promised to give the land of Cannan to Abraham's descendants. But Canaan was occupied by a powerful enemy. There was no way Isreal could defeat the Canaanites alone.  They had to rely on God - and He cam through.  He commanded them to march around the formidable city of Jericho once a day for six days.  On the seventh day they marched around it seven times.  The walls of Jericho crumbled as they completed their seventh lap.  God fought for them.  His instructions seem crazy but He came through in a powerful way. 

  • In the beginning, God created everything.  He created a space for us.  In instructing Israel to construct the Tabernacle, He called them to create a space for Him.  God has always wanted to dwell among His people.  He did so in the Garden, then in the Tabernacle, then in the Temple, then in Jesus, and now in us.  Isn't that amazing?  God wants to take up residence in your heart.  He wants to be with you wherever you go. 

  • The people of Israel were enslaved to the Egyptians for centuries.  They cried out to God and He rescued them in the most incredible way.  He sent ten devasting plagues upon the Egyptians.  When the Egyptians pursued them, God parted the Red Sea so they could cross on dry ground.  But then, when they reached the desert, the people started to grumble.  They were hungry and thirsty and became convinced that God brought them to the desert to die.  But God provided - even in the desert, even despite their grumbling.  Our God is generous God.  We can trust that He'll provide.