

The Power of Giving: Join Us in Stewarding God's Abundant Love

Members and Friends of Atkinson Congregational Church,

I am writing to you today to talk about the importance of stewardship and ask for your pledge of giving for 2024. Stewardship is the way we respond to God's abundant love and generosity. It is about using the gifts that God has given us to make a difference in the world – we change lives.

When we give to our church, we are not just giving money. We are investing in the future of our church and the future of our community. The Light on the Hill is a place where seekers are welcomed by inclusive people, inspired by excellent worship, and challenged to grow in their faith. Your generosity makes this possible. 

Here are just a few examples of how your gifts change lives:

  • Our children's ministry provides a safe and nurturing environment where kids can learn about God's love and make new friends.
  • Our support of two local food pantries provides meals to people who are struggling with food insecurity.
  • Our Community Engagement Team provides over $17,000 of support each year for worthy causes such as the NH Food Bank, Brigid’s House of Hope, Church World Service, Isaiah 58 NH, and Sonshine Soup Kitchen; in addition to assistance to families in need.
  • We host four different 12 step programs each week, providing support to people struggling with addiction.


These are just a few examples of the many ways that our church is changing lives because of your generosity.
I know that many of you are facing financial challenges right now. Inflation is high, and gas prices are soaring. But I want to assure you that every gift, no matter how small, makes a difference.

How can you help? I’m glad you asked! 


  • Make a pledge of your expected giving for 2024. You can make a one-time gift, or you can set up a recurring gift (it’s easy to do on our website giving page).
  • Volunteer your time and talents. Volunteering is easy! Most commitments range from 1-3 hours, such as: coordinating fellowship hour, helping at Sonshine Soup Kitchen, or assisting with Kids Club. Even our Teams only ask for a one year commitment. Volunteers are always needed!
  • Help our church family grow. Talk to your friends and family about how Atkinson Congregational Church is an important part of your life, and why it could be for them as well. 

Together, because of you our church changes lives. Thank you for your generosity and your commitment to our congregation. Please return the form below or pledge online when you can. Receiving your pledge before December 15 allows us to create a better-informed budget for the Annual Meeting. If your circumstances require you to submit later, it is ALWAYS welcome. Thank you!


Jim Thomas
Pastor Jim Thomas


Other ways to give

God’s Word calls us to obediently “tithe” (give 10%) of what He gives us, to do His kingdom work. “Offerings” given to God are gifts above and beyond our tithes. Tithes and offerings are vital to the health of Our Church and provide for all the areas of ministry and outreach.

OUR GOAL IS 100% PARTICIPATION in giving to the Generous Future.

That might mean being lavishly generous or simply sacrificial…like sacrificing a fast food meal once a week and giving that cost to the Generous Future fund. What you give should be decided between you and God, and ask that you give in some way from a worshipful heart.

Prayerfully consider:

2 Corinthians 9:7-8 “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart what to give, not reluctantly of under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”

We are asking that you prayerfully support and sacrificially give to fulfill God’s vision for the future of our Church. Come along side and be part of the next phase of our miraculous story, and prepare to be blessed.

Thank you for partnering and investing in the ministry of Our Church and in our community as well as giving to further God’s Kingdom!