Church School

  • Baptism, on the surface, seems kind of like a strange act. But it’s actually a really incredible picture. When we go down into the waters of baptism, we’re symbolically burying our old life and coming up as a new creation. But it’s more than that. It’s a picture of what Jesus did for us. He literally died and was buried for us and then rose again to give us new life. This weekend we’re talking about the time Jesus was baptized and the amazing sacrifice He made to rescue us.

  • When Jesus was twelve years old, his parents accidently left Him in Jerusalem. Can you believe that? After three days of searching, they found Him sitting in the Temple, talking with the religious leaders. The Bible says, “Everyone who heard him was amazed at how much he understood. They also were amazed at his answers.” I don’t know about you, but I wish I could have overheard the conversations Jesus had in the Temple. But that’s not the point. The Bible also says that “Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” And He grew because He spent time with His Father.

  • This really is the most wonderful time of the year – because God came down to be with us! But – even better – He came to shine a light into our darkness. The shepherds experienced that firsthand when a host of angels appeared to them and declared the glory of God. Their light shone into the darkness of the night – but even that was nothing compared to the light Jesus brought to the darkness of our sin.

  • Can you imagine what it must have been like to hear that God intended you to parent His Son?! Mary and Joseph weren’t even married yet. They hadn’t, well, been together. But nothing is impossible for God. He chose a godly man and a godly woman to raise up His Son. He has already done the impossible – at least by human standards. We can trust that He can do the impossible in our lives, too.

  • Jesus shouldn’t have come as a surprise. God had been promising to send a Savior for ages. He gave glimpses of what He intended to do through dozens of men and women over centuries. Isn’t that amazing? God didn’t leave us in the dark. He was always shining a light ahead – giving us shadows of what He intended to do. But, praise God, He did it in Jesus. He kept every one of His promises. That’s why we can trust in Him. He’s done what He promised in the past. We can be confident that He’ll keep His promises in the future.