What time does service start?
Sunday 10:00 am
Where is Atkinson Congregational Church?
We are located in Atkinson, at 101 Main St., Atkinson NH, 03811. You can click here to access a Google map of the area and get directions from your departing location.
Can I bring my kids?
Of course! We love kids and offer age-appropriate environments where your kids (Birth – High School) will learn about Jesus and the Bible on their level. We have excellent, well-trained children's and nursery workers who have passed all the necessary background requirements. We ask that you check your kids into our kids’ area so that your children can enjoy a service tailored specifically for their age group.
If you'd feel more comfortable having your kids attend service with you, however, this is also acceptable. We encourage you to sit closer to the front where your little ones can see and hear what is going on, and where their view is not of the back of people's heads. Go ahead and quietly explain the different elements of the church and service. Sing the hymns, pray and say the responses. Children learn liturgical behavior by copying you. And if for any reason you have to leave the service with your child, feel free to do so, but please come back. As Jesus said, "Let the children come to me."
What are the services like?
Each service is typically 50 minutes and has a time of worship, Bible based preaching, announcements, and offering, but not always in that order!
How does the music sound? What kind of music do you play?
We have several choirs and musicians. Styles range from hymns, contemporary, folk, and more. Our worship team represents different cultures and creative expressions, so you can expect anything. Our aim is to please God through these expressions rooted in diversity and unity, and through that, we serve and lead our faith family into worshiping God.
What should I wear?
Most of us wear casual clothes at our services, although some of us dress up. We'd like to think you will be as comfortable in a T-shirt and jeans as you would be in a business suit.
Is there someone that can help get me get situated when I come to visit?
Yes. We know that coming to a new church for the first time can be intimidating. When you come for your visit, someone will greet you and help get you and your family where you need to be. Our team of dedicated volunteers will do everything they can to make sure you have the best experience possible.
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